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namespace ClassConfig;

use ClassConfig\Annotation\Config;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigList;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigBoolean;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigEntryInterface;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigFloat;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigInteger;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigMap;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigObject;
use ClassConfig\Annotation\ConfigString;
use ClassConfig\Exceptions\ClassConfigAlreadyRegisteredException;
use ClassConfig\Exceptions\ClassConfigNotRegisteredException;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader;

 * Class ClassConfig
 * @package ClassConfig
class ClassConfig
     * Config files are always re-generated when requested.
    const CACHE_NEVER       = 0;

     * Config files are re-generated if older than the source (filemtime).
    const CACHE_VALIDATE    = 1;

     * Config files are only generated once (or after being manually deleted).
    const CACHE_ALWAYS      = 2;

     * Flag to determine whether the register() method has been called.
     * @var bool
    protected static $registered = false;

     * In-memory cache for the annotation reader.
     * @var AnnotationReader
    protected static $annotationReader;

     * The registered path to a cache folder.
     * @var string
    protected static $cachePath;

     * The registered caching strategy.
     * @var int
    protected static $cacheStrategy;

     * The registered class namespace for config classes.
     * This will be used as prefix to source classes.
     * @var string
    protected static $classNamespace;

     * @param string $path
    protected static function createDirectories(string $path)
        if (!is_dir($path)) {

     * Lazy getter for the annotation reader.
     * @return AnnotationReader
     * @throws \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException
    protected static function getAnnotationReader(): AnnotationReader
        if (!isset(static::$annotationReader)) {
            static::$annotationReader = new AnnotationReader();
        return static::$annotationReader;

     * Getter for the registered cache path.
     * Throws a ClassConfigNotRegisteredException if register() wasn't called prior.
     * @return string
     * @throws ClassConfigNotRegisteredException
    protected static function getCachePath(): string
        if (!static::$registered) {
            throw new ClassConfigNotRegisteredException();
        return static::$cachePath;

     * Getter for the registered class namespace.
     * Throws a ClassConfigNotRegisteredException if register() wasn't called prior.
     * @return string
     * @throws ClassConfigNotRegisteredException
    protected static function getClassNamespace(): string
        if (!static::$registered) {
            throw new ClassConfigNotRegisteredException();
        return self::$classNamespace;

     * @param Config $annotation
     * @param string $className
     * @param string $classNamespace
     * @param string $canonicalClassName
     * @param string $targetClassNamespace
     * @param string $targetCanonicalClassName
     * @param int $time
     * @param int $subClassIteration
     * @return string
    protected static function generate(
        Config $annotation,
        string $className,
        string $classNamespace,
        string $canonicalClassName,
        string $targetClassNamespace,
        string $targetCanonicalClassName,
        int $time,
        int &$subClassIteration = 0
    ): string {
        // a suffix of _0, _1, _2 etc. is added to generated sub-classes
        $suffix = 0 < $subClassIteration ? '_' . $subClassIteration : '';

        $effectiveClassName = $className . $suffix;
        $effectiveTargetCanonicalClassName = $targetCanonicalClassName . $suffix;

        $generator = new ClassGenerator($annotation, $effectiveClassName, $targetClassNamespace, $canonicalClassName);

         * @var string $key
         * @var ConfigEntryInterface $entry
        foreach ($annotation->value as $key => $entry) {
            switch (true) {
                case $entry instanceof ConfigString:
                case $entry instanceof ConfigInteger:
                case $entry instanceof ConfigFloat:
                case $entry instanceof ConfigBoolean:
                case $entry instanceof ConfigObject:
                    $type = $entry->getType();
                        ->generateProperty($key, $type, isset($entry->default) ? $entry->default : null)
                        ->generateGet($key, $type)
                        ->generateSet($key, $type)

                case $entry instanceof ConfigList:
                    $type = isset($entry->value) ? $entry->value->getType() : 'mixed';
                        ->generateProperty($key, $type . '[]', isset($entry->default) ?
                            array_values($entry->default) : null)
                        ->generateGet($key, $type . '[]')
                        ->generateListSet($key, $type . '[]')
                        ->generateListGetAt($key, $type)
                        ->generateListSetAt($key, $type)
                        ->generateListPush($key, $type)
                        ->generateListUnshift($key, $type)
                        ->generateArrayPop($key, $type)
                        ->generateArrayShift($key, $type)

                case $entry instanceof ConfigMap:
                    $type = isset($entry->value) ? $entry->value->getType() : 'mixed';
                        ->generateProperty($key, $type . '[]', $entry->default)
                        ->generateGet($key, $type . '[]')
                        ->generateMapSet($key, $type . '[]')
                        ->generateMapGetAt($key, $type)
                        ->generateMapSetAt($key, $type)
                        ->generateArrayPop($key, $type)
                        ->generateArrayShift($key, $type)

                case $entry instanceof Config:
                    $entryCanonicalClassName = static::generate(
                        ->generateProperty($key, $entryCanonicalClassName)
                        ->generateConfigGet($key, $entryCanonicalClassName)

                    throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf(
                        'Invalid or unsupported configuration entry type: "%s".',


        $targetDir = static::getCachePath() . '/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $classNamespace);
        $targetPath = $targetDir . '/' . $effectiveClassName . '.php';


        file_put_contents($targetPath, (string) $generator);
        touch($targetPath, $time);

        // as optimization measure composer's autoloader remembers that a class does not exist on the first requested
        // it will refuse to autoload the class even if it subsequently becomes available
        // for this reason we need to manually load the newly generated class
        include_once $targetPath;

        return $effectiveTargetCanonicalClassName;

     * Register the environment.
     * This must be called once and only once (on each request) before working with the library.
     * @param string $cachePath
     * @param int $cacheStrategy
     * @param string $classNamespace
    public static function register(
        string $cachePath,
        int $cacheStrategy = self::CACHE_VALIDATE,
        string $classNamespace = 'ClassConfig\Cache'
    ) {
        if (static::$registered) {
            throw new ClassConfigAlreadyRegisteredException();

        // ensure the cache folder exists

        static::$registered = true;
        static::$cachePath = $cachePath;
        static::$cacheStrategy = $cacheStrategy;
        static::$classNamespace = $classNamespace;

     * @param string $canonicalClassName
     * @return string
     * @throws \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException
     * @throws \ReflectionException
     * @throws ClassConfigNotRegisteredException
    public static function createClass(string $canonicalClassName): string
        $parts = explode('\\', $canonicalClassName);

        $className = $parts[count($parts) - 1];
        $classNamespace = implode('\\', array_slice($parts, 0, -1));

        $targetClassNamespace = static::getClassNamespace() . '\\' . $classNamespace;
        $targetCanonicalClassName = $targetClassNamespace . '\\' . $className;

        switch (static::$cacheStrategy) {
            case static::CACHE_NEVER:
                // always regenerate
                $time = time();

            case static::CACHE_ALWAYS:
                // only generate if class does not exist
                if (class_exists($targetCanonicalClassName)) {
                    return $targetCanonicalClassName;
                $time = time();

            case static::CACHE_VALIDATE:
                // validate by last modified time
                $time = filemtime((new \ReflectionClass($canonicalClassName))->getFileName());
                if (
                    class_exists($targetCanonicalClassName) &&
                    filemtime((new \ReflectionClass($canonicalClassName))->getFileName()) ===
                    filemtime((new \ReflectionClass($targetCanonicalClassName))->getFileName())
                ) {
                    return $targetCanonicalClassName;

        /** @var Config $annotation */
        $annotation = static::getAnnotationReader()->getClassAnnotation(
            new \ReflectionClass($canonicalClassName),

        return static::generate(

     * @param string $class
     * @param object $owner
     * @return AbstractConfig
     * @throws \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException
     * @throws \ReflectionException
     * @throws ClassConfigNotRegisteredException
    public static function createInstance(string $class, $owner): AbstractConfig
        $canonicalClassName = static::createClass($class);
        return new $canonicalClassName($owner);