
Class ClassConfig
Methods Summary
protected static
# createDirectories( string $path )
protected static
# getAnnotationReader( )
Lazy getter for the annotation reader.
protected static
# getCachePath( )
Getter for the registered cache path. Throws a ClassConfigNotRegisteredException if register() wasn't called prior.
protected static
# getClassNamespace( )
Getter for the registered class namespace. Throws a ClassConfigNotRegisteredException if register() wasn't called prior.
protected static
# generate( ClassConfig\Annotation\Config $annotation , string $className , string $classNamespace , string $canonicalClassName , string $targetClassNamespace , string $targetCanonicalClassName , int $time , int & $subClassIteration = 0 )
public static
# register( string $cachePath , int $cacheStrategy = 1, string $classNamespace = 'ClassConfig\\Cache' )
Register the environment. This must be called once and only once (on each request) before working with the library.
public static
# createClass( string $canonicalClassName )
public static
# createInstance( string $class , object $owner )
Constants Summary
public int CACHE_NEVER
Config files are always re-generated when requested.
# 0
Config files are re-generated if older than the source (filemtime).
# 1
public int CACHE_ALWAYS
Config files are only generated once (or after being manually deleted).
# 2
Properties Summary
protected static bool $registered
Flag to determine whether the register() method has been called.
# false
protected static Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader $annotationReader
In-memory cache for the annotation reader.
protected static string $cachePath
The registered path to a cache folder.
protected static int $cacheStrategy
The registered caching strategy.
protected static string $classNamespace
The registered class namespace for config classes. This will be used as prefix to source classes.